Leaders on
security services and digital intelligence with a unique value to our clients.
We are a Security Company, expert on integrated solutions with highest quality and professional services , leaders in solutions for risk prevention, control and management..
More than 20 years of experience and prestige endorse our security services, in sectors such as manufacturing, education, healthcare, state government,& hotels.
Executive transportation tailored to the itineraries of the passenger. Our main objective is to provide a safe, on-time and efficient transport to our customers using best resources including technological tools that guarantee to travel using the safe routes.
Certified trainers perform preventive and dissuasive inspections in trailer containers and all common areas in factories. Our dogs are trained in finding all major drugs.
We have a wide range of services
that adapt to the needs of your company, with the best technology.
(656) 617-1158, (656) 617-7746 y (656) 623-8590
Av. Paseo Triunfo de la República #197-B
Col. San Lorenzo, C.P. 32320
Cd. Juárez, Chih.
General M. Valles #3509
Colonia Magisterial Universidad,
C.P. 31200 Chihuahua, Chih.
Av. Héctor Caballero Escamilla #705 Int. A Col. Noria norte C.P .66633 Apodaca Nuevo León
Calle Bolivia #414 Col. Américas C.P. 50130 Toluca Edo. de Mex.
Blvd. Benito Juárez #2010 Local 10,
Segunda Planta Fracc. Residencias
C.P. 21280 Mexicali, B.C.
Boulevard Ignacio Soto #152
Col. Loma Linda, C.P. 83150
Hermosillo, Sonora
Boulevard Adolfo López Mateos #507-A Colonia Centro, C.P. 38000, Celaya Guanajuato
Blvd. Rio Españita #1836
Col. Jardines del Sur
C.P. 78399 San Luis Potosí
Paseo Loma Dorada #104, Col. Loma Dorada, C.P. 76060, Santiago de Querétaro
Av. Adolfo López Mateos #1001, Torre A PH 4, C.P 20250, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes.
© 2021 Grupo Águilas
Our personnel have specific training to detect & prevent risks and respond to incidents. Performing surveillance 24/7
Best quality cars in different capacities. Our people are trained in executive protection, advanced planning, logistics, and safe handling techniques in addition to being hired under high quality standards that include medical, graphological, toxicological examinations and non-criminal background checks.
In Grupo Aguilas we focus to develop technological tools to security process to perform faster and efficient process like:
We offer K9 units with qualified trainers as well as selected and trained dogs to comply with the dissuasive and preventive work either inside or outside your facilities, always under strict protocols of action that guarantee the discretion of the results.
Trainer your team fast and efective way
We have certified expert of security protocols and programs for facilities, health and safety to keep your operational and administrative team prepared for better performance or to be prepared in case of emergencies.
Contamos con tres modalidades de traslados Mercancía en transito unidades rotuladas con video y GPS en tiempo real.
Our investigation team is highly trained to handle investigations at all levels. We work with cutting-edge technology, including hidden cameras and microphones, employing various interview methods to gather information.
Nuestro equipo de investigación está altamente capacitado para resolver investigaciones en todos los niveles. Trabajamos c/ la más alta tecnología, cámaras y micrófonos ocultos, diferentes métodos de entrevista para obtener información.
Our mission is to protect individuals and organizational assets, mitigating the negative impact of a critical event that could harm people, as well as the reputation of your organization. We serve as an external support for risk resilience through our panic button, which is linked to our monitoring center, Grupo Águilas, providing immediate attention.
Nuestra misión es proteger a las personas y los activos de la organización, mitigando el impacto negativo de un evento crítico que podría dañar a personas, así como la reputación de su organización y sirviendo como un apoyo externo de la resiliencia al riesgo, mediante nuestro botón de pánico que se encuentra enlazado a nuestra central de monitoreo Grupo Águilas para brindarle atención inmediata.
Our monitoring center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the goal of coordinated and proactive monitoring and response to risk. It serves as the operational hub for risk management within an organization, collaborating across all areas of the company. This includes connecting people, processes, data, and systems that support and are relied upon for effectiveness.”
Nuestra central de monitoreo funciona las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana con el objetivo de un monitoreo coordinado y proactivo y una respuesta al riesgo, el cual funciona como centro operativo de la gestión de riesgos dentro de una organización, colaborando en todas las áreas de la empresa. Esto incluye conectar a las personas, los procesos, los datos y los sistemas que respaldan y en los que confían para ser efectivos.